Win a $400 Amazon Shopping Spree!
Are you ready to win big in our $400 Black Friday Giveaway? We’re proud to offer our fourth annual, smoking hot, $400 Black Friday Giveaway where we award one lucky reader with a $400 Amazon shopping spree just in time for the Black Friday. This could be a game changer for one lucky reader, and we hope it’s you! But this isn’t the only reader giveaway we offer. We giveaway thousands in Amazon gift cards and Kindle devices every week, all year, every year. That’s why we’re the No. 1 site for reader giveaways! So read the instructions below and enter the Rafflecopter form below. It’s easy, and fun, and who knows, you could be our next winner!
WHAT: $400 Black Friday Giveaway.
PRIZE: WIN a $400 Amazon shopping spree (1 winner).
WHEN: Nov. 6-22, 2017.
Click here to go to the $500 Black Friday Giveaway
HOW? Scroll through the book covers to find your next favorite author, and enter the Rafflecopter form below. You can enter everyday to increase your chance of winning. There is no purchase necessary to enter or win, but by supporting the authors below we can continue running these amazing giveaways. Good luck, and thank you visiting The Kindle Book Review ~ The No. 1 Site for reader giveaways.
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