$500 Amazon Giveaway
The tree is up, the lights are bright, so it’s time for our $500 Amazon Giveaway. You could win a $500 Amazon shopping spree. What does that mean? It means we’re going to award one lucky reader a $500 Amazon eCard on December 23rd, making this our best Christmas ever!
We are the #1 site for reader giveaways and we take that role very seriously. We give away thousands in Amazon gift cards and Kindle products all year long, but we really go crazy during the holiday season. With the help of our partners at Digital Book Today and our author sponsors, we can offer huge prizes like this $500 Amazon Giveaway. So enter today and everyday through December 23rd. You never know; you might be our next winner, and walk away with our $500 Amazon Giveaway!
WHAT: $500 Amazon Giveaway ( 1 winner—$500 Amazon eGift card)
WHEN: Dec. 3-23, 2018
HOW: 1. Scroll through the book covers below and find the titles that look interesting. 2. Enter our Rafflecopter form below. 3. Support our authors via their Amazon book pages.
Supporting our authors is the ONLY way these giveaways are possible. There is no purchase necessary to enter or win, but when you support our authors we can continue these awesome giveaways. And YES, you can buy their books. Good luck, everyone!
FAQ: Do I have to buy a book to enter? Or win? ANSWER: No. We are not a registered “Lottery” organization, therefore, we can only ask you to “support” our sponsors. Many of you know what it means to support someone on social media, but if you want to buy a book or two because you want to, you certainly are free to do so. But sharing their work by tweeting, Facebook sharing, Pinteresting, and following their social media is also another way of supporting them without making a purchase. And that’s why we say there is no purchase necessary.
ATTENTION, READERS: It is ALWAYS free to enter. And there is ALWAYS no purchases necessary to enter or win, as stated in the entry form. You can support the authors any way you wish, like Share their book on your social media, or follow their Amazon author page, etc. You can buy our sponsors’ books, but that would be up to you, and not required.Good luck!
Shared – https://twitter.com/rusthawk/status/1069657229920477184
I tweeted! https://twitter.com/nat5732/status/1069663987044925441
I shared on twitter https://twitter.com/noe1111/status/1069782172310081536
Following John Maffia on Amazon and shared the giveaway on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tamara.kasyan/posts/10100550427620935
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Support : Added to wishlist The Christmas Cats Care For The Beary by Constance Corcoran Wilsoneste, Finding Eden (The Eden Hall Series Book 1) by Sheri Richey, and following the authors.
Following Tom Stafford on Amazon and shared the giveaway on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tamara.kasyan/posts/10100550613328775
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here is my link
tweet https://twitter.com/Pizzahutxbox/status/1070050724371881984
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I shared about the giveaway here https://www.facebook.com/shan.leigh.79/posts/731342937233176
I supported the authors by following lisa regan and sharing her amazon profile link on facebook here https://www.facebook.com/shan.leigh.79/posts/731344147233055
I sent the link to the giveaway to Ashley Somers via messenger on Facebook.
Shared on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elizabeth.tarlow/posts/2497000083649514
Following T. R. Cupak on Amazon
12 /4 – https://twitter.com/stephcouponsxx/status/1070149029345026048
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Shared: https://pinterest.com/pin/564146290820184379/
Supporting Samantha Wolfe by following her on Amazon.
I supported by sharing them on Twitter and followed on Amazon
I shared Jason Willow: Face Your Demons on twitter : https://twitter.com/judethomas21/status/1070418199282298880