Fans of All Ages will Love Today’s Two Imaginative Fantasy Tales. Also, Enter to Win $25 in Amazon Cash and Check Out our Fabulous Fall Giveaway.

freddyKirkus says, “Like Freddy, this novel is driven by a powerful imagination…” Escape with today’s highly-imaginative fairy tale, Freddy Fumple and the Mindmonsters by Vegard Svingen. Buy it now for ONLY $.99!

Freddy Fumple is on the verge of discovering a place beyond his wildest dreams. Now he must confront the terrifying mindmonsters to save an entire world! A bestselling, top rated, action-packed, thought-bursting and humorous children’s fantasy novel.

“Freddy Fumple and the Mindmonsters is most highly recommended. Marvelous!” – Readers’ Favorite (5/5 STAR REVIEW)

“This novel is written in a very colorful and creative way: the characters are very distinct and the setting is incredibly vibrant. Freddy is an extremely lovable protagonist…” –INDIEREADER 4/5 STAR REVIEW!






the-sound-prince-and-the-pocket-dragonFans of all ages will find the perfect escape with today’s fantasy tale. Our feature is, The Sound Prince and the Pocket Dragon by K.M. Kennedy.

Devon’s father suddenly doesn’t seem to like him anymore, and then a tiny, sea dragon decides to move into his shirt pocket. Its all true, and a wizard, the north wind, a few strange and magical creatures were all involved. Set in the Islands of the Pacific Northwest, a very long time ago.

“Finally, a book 11 year old son couldn’t put it down.”– Reviewer

“Wow! A magical adventure set in the islands of Pacific Northwest, a great read” -READER

“An Imaginative, and Magical Adventure for young readers”– READER




Must-READ Book:


By Heather