A fast-paced action suspense to keep you turning the pages, Messenger of the Ancient Gods by Deborah Kinnon. One Amazon reader says, “This is an excellent story, original and fast-paced, rich with mind-blowing full-sensory images that pull you dead center into the action.” –Aina suspense thriller

A Little Bit About Messenger of the Ancient Gods:

An archeologist takes up her murdered father’s research into ancient aliens, becoming the target of a deadly religious sect as she steps onto a path that leads her deep into forbidden territory.

About the Author:

Deborah Kinnon has been a writer since before she could string letters into words. When she was ten she saw her first undeniable UFOs, two red ovals zigzagging with intent one after the other through a clear night sky. A few years later, Erich von Daniken’s Chariots of the Gods opened her eyes to see that aliens could have, and probably did, come to Earth in ancient times. Life is full of possibilities.

What Fans Are Saying About Messenger of the Ancient Gods:

“What a great read. I kept thinking, I’ll read until the end of this chapter. Then I couldn’t stop. This page-turner is really well thought out and clearly explained.” –Elizabeth

“Deborah Kinnon’s highly evocative descriptions and breakneck speed action made reading this book like watching a movie. The dialogue was realistic and the heroine was complex and believable.” –Lance

“This book pulled me in until the very end. Very well written, great imagery very interesting story-line. This will make a great summer read or if your looking to stay up late all night because you just can’t put it down, I highly recommend this book.” –Sharon

By Heather