Enter the $500 Back-to-School Giveaway and WIN a $500 Amazon Shopping Spree!
WIN a $500 Amazon Shopping Spree when you enter our $500 Back-to-School Giveaway. Â Not kidding. No joke. This is real. Brought to you by The Kindle Book Review, Digital Book Today, and some of Amazon’s top selling and award winning authors. Â With just a couple clicks, you could be eligible to win an incredible $500 Shopping Spree just in time for the new school year.Â
Why? If you’re new to The Kindle Book Review, we are the No. 1 Site for Reader Giveaways. We run “reader” giveaways every week, and every month of every year. This is what we do. We encourage folks to read more by offering Kindles, Amazon gift cards, and other reader prizes, but most importantly we introduce readers to new, bestselling, and award winning authors you may or may not have heard of before.
Now, you can enter to WIN BIG in our $500 Back-to-School Giveaway, by entering our “Rafflecopter” entry form below, but there are a few important details about the giveaway, how to enter, and how you can support the authors that make these giveaways so awesome! And while you’re here, please check out our other giveaways ~ Weekly Giveaways & Meet & Greet Giveaway by clicking the menu buttons just above this post.Â
What: $500 Back-to-School Giveaway
When: August 1 – 13, 2017 Â Â Â Prize (1): $500 Amazon Gift Card ($500 value)
How: Scroll through the book covers below and click on the books that look like “your kind of books”. Then enter our Rafflecopter form below, subscribe, share, and support the authors who write the kind of books you enjoy. This is an “easy entry” giveaway with only a few (but important) entry options ~ Subscribe, Share, and Support the authors. There is no purchases necessary to enter or win, but supporting our authors and buying their books is the only way these giveaways are made possible. Your chances of winning are actually pretty good, estimated at somewhere between 2,500 and 5,000 to 1. That’s actually pretty good odds. So, who knows, you might meet your next favorite author!Â
HINT: Supporting our authors will add 5 entry points each day. Share our sponsors’ books, Tweet their Amazon link, Share on Facebook. And, yes, you can buy their books. Good luck!
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