Welcome to The Black Friday Giveaway #2. This is your 2nd chance to win a $400 Amazon Shopping Spree… That’s right, we’re giving away $800 in Amazon gift cards just in time for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Enter now, and everyday until November 27th to increase your chances of winning one of two… yes, I said that… two $400 Amazon shopping sprees. One. Two. Two $400 Amazon shopping sprees, compliments of The Kindle Book Review, Digital Book Today, and your favorite authors.
**If you missed Giveaway #1, click here for another chance at our other $400 Amazon Shopping spree.
THIS GIVEAWAY HAS EXPIRED. See our Winner’s page.
WHAT: The Black Friday Giveaway #2 (2 of 2)
WHEN: November 16 – 27, 2014
GRAND PRIZE: 1 – $400 Amazon Shopping Spree (2 of 2)
HOW: 1.) Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway below. 2.) ”LIKE” and “Follow” the sponsoring authors that write the kind of books you love to read. 3.) Scroll through the book covers below to find your NEW favorite authors.
•••HINT••• Buy Our Sponsors’ Kindle Books for an EXTRA 10 Entry Points Every Day.
So hope to win one here.
My roof is leaking. Could so like to win.
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Thank you, Jerrica!
This is a great thing for the holidays and I appreciate everything. Would make a nice gift.
This would be so great for Christmas for the kids and grands!
Thank you!
https://www.facebook.com/suzanne.bischoff Shared!!!
Yeah to the winner, hope it’s me!!!!
Shared. Thanks!
You’re welcome!
this would be great for Christmas…
Omg thank you soooooo much for this goveaway!! I really needed the money to buy some gifts for Christmas and a new laptop for school!!
Love reading, love this site! Great giveaway, shared https://twitter.com/BetteH9/status/536515986883506176
Thank you again!! Found more books by some of my favorite authors and am excited to read some of the authors that I have never read.
I bought Legal Ease!
Take a look at our NEW Giveaway Page—-It’s not on the menu yet, but check it out. We have some BIG STUFF in the works! Please share. ~ Jeff Bennington
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This is an awesome giveaway
Posted on Facebook
Thank You!
Shared on FB: https://www.facebook.com/amber.hodge.50/posts/1027544730605037
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