An Entertaining Dystopian Adventure
“Full five stars for the characters, the action, the scenes that ran in my head like a movie.” –Reviewer If…
“Full five stars for the characters, the action, the scenes that ran in my head like a movie.” –Reviewer If…
Teen adventure seekers, take a look at today’s feature novel – IXEOS (Book One in the IXEOS Trilogy) by Jennings…
Struggling to stay alive, she quickly learns nothing is as she believed. Jessica E. Subject weaves a page-turning tale in the futuristic…
Take a look at Corr Syl the Warrior by Garry Rogers, today’s HOT NEW Release and what Kirkus Reviews calls,…
Take a look at Corr Syl the Warrior by Garry Rogers, today’s HOT NEW Release and what Kirkus Reviews calls,…