Don’t Miss Today’s Satirical Epic Fantasy and Speculative Short Fiction. Also, Check out our June Author Meet and Greet Giveaway.

Today’s HOT NEW Release is the entertaining Satirical Epic Fantasy, Lost at Sea: A Novel of Indeterminate Proportions by Uncle Chutney and Kevin Spencer.
An epic tale of a Teller and his Tale, a mystery wrapped in an enigma, more than anything else, entertaining and just plain fun.

“Fasten your seat belt and get ready for a memorable excursion into a new world of strange originality, where bravery is beside the point and the usual laws of gravity and comedy are are upended. Syntax is exploded with surreptitious manipulations of the reflexive sacosanctimonious, even dogmatic, anticipatory impulses for a normalizing familiarity. Expect your expectations to be subverted and your comfort zone to be a thing of the past.” -READER

“A most intriguing book. I was captivated reading it from start to finish. The author has a clever imagination and most unusual writing style, if you can call it style.” -READER


Today’s HOT NEW Release is the Speculative Short Fiction, Red Hour and Other Strange Tales by Award-Winning Author, Pamela Jeffs.

Dare to ride with a dark horse at sunset, sail with fishermen who become the catch, or lament the death of living fire. This collection of strange stories will draw you in and leave you wanting more.

“Red Hour is a captivating compendium of speculative stories — fantastic tales that embody lurking horrors: unease with the demeanor of the human race, distrust in our environment, fear of our darkest emotions. Stories that are nevertheless imbued with hope: the flash of the exotic, the silhouette of transmogrification, the shadow of revenge, and the phlogiston of an end to unfairness in all its guises’ -Reviewer

“The moment I started reading, I was immediately drawn into the story and it kept me turning the pages. Pamela is definitely a speculative fiction writer to watch out for.” — A.M. Rycroft (Author of Into the Darkness)” -READER




Bonus Books:

Grab this free Insightful book for dog lovers!
FREE! Chicago Police Detective Sean Clary returns to active duty after a knife injury only to get an assignment that turns out to be his greatest challenge.


By Heather