🌟 New Year Giveaway
Time for our New Year Giveaway, folks! As 2016 comes to a close, we want to celebrate with our 3rd annual New Year Giveaway. With the help of our author sponsors and partners at Digital Book Today, we’re awarding four (4) of our subscribers $100 Amazon gift cards. Thats a lot of Kindle book buying fun and a great way to celebrate the New Year.
You can celebrate with us by entering our New Year Giveaway everyday through January 15. It’s easy and fun and a great way to meet new authors. Who knows, maybe you’ll discover your next favorite book! Maybe you’ll be our next winner, and we’ve had a lot of winners in 2016, awarding our subscribers thousands of dollars in Amazon gift cards and Kindle products.
WHEN: Jan. 1 – 15, 2017
PRIZES: 4 – $100 Amazon gift cards.
HOW: Scroll through our sponsors’ book covers below to find your next favorite author. Then enter the “Rafflecopter” form below. There is no purchase necessary to enter or win, but by supporting our authors we can continue to offer these amazing giveaways. If by chance you choose to buy any of our sponsor’s books, a portion of the cost will help support our flagship non-profit organization, Pencils of Promise.
Our Giveaways are not possible without our sponsors. Your support is appreciated.
1/13 Support – https://www.facebook.com/cjsoyer/posts/452397928482133
1/13 Share – https://twitter.com/clojo9372/status/819878997735645184
Today I supported author Inge-Lose Boss by following on amazon and Facebook, and sjarin her author page & book. Thanks for all the great new authors for me to check out!
Thank you for participating and subscribing!
I shared on Facebook (using my unique URL).
1/13Support – https://twitter.com/Nikolina_84/status/819954657871142912
1/13 Share – https://twitter.com/Nikolina_84/status/819954708467085312
tweeted https://twitter.com/wghutton/status/819955709332766721
I shared on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jeanette.jackson.501/posts/10154938866941468
I got Death at a Diner by Nancy McGovern for my kindle and will review it after I read it.
Thank you! Enjoy.
I shared on Twitter. https://twitter.com/LabRat517/status/820006315493916676
I shared the book Tower of Bones on Facebook and Twitter. https://www.facebook.com/terry.poage.7/posts/1518782438149380?pnref=story and https://twitter.com/TerryPoage1/status/820016643501944835.
Shared Death at a Diner by Nancy McGovern here:
shared giveaway here:
I shared a book on Pinterest : https://nz.pinterest.com/pin/422282902545758383/
I shared the giveaway on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/judy.thomas.94/posts/1195997727119921
Shared on Twitter – https://twitter.com/melissab72/status/820122696927289344
Downloaded Guardians: The Girl (The Guardians Series, Book 1) and will leave a review – also tweeted purchase link – https://twitter.com/melissab72/status/820123229486456832
I bought Loving from Afar.
Thank you so much!
Supported Kim Hornsby: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/26106872821932336/
Today I supported Mamcy McGovern by following on amazon and Facebook. I also liked and shared her Facebook page. Thanks!