Today’s Charming Award-Winner and Powerful Memoir. Check out our Kindle Crazy Christmas Giveaway Also, Brand New Weekly Giveaways!

a gentle wizard Today’s feature is the KBR Nonfiction Award-Winner, A Gentle Wizard by Nils Andersson. ONLY $.99 Right Now! ~KBR Nonfiction Award Winner~

An entertaining and personal introduction to Einstein’s universe. Starting with a walk through Bern in 1905 and ending with the recent discovery of gravitational waves from colliding black holes, this book exposes the theory of Relativity in a readable style. Supported by insightful and zany illustrations, this is a great science story for everyone and anyone.

“Great fun. Great science. A compelling story for everyone.”Professor Ray d’Inverno, author of “Introducing Einstein’s relativity”

“… sets the reader’s mind thinking about the wonders of our world.” -Reviewer

“If a reader is looking for a thought-provoking book that takes him/her to the edge of reality, where clocks grind to a halt and stars collapse into themselves to form holes that aren’t quite holes, I recommend A Gentle Wizard…” –Ann Neville, review for Readers’ Favorite




a moment of belief Today’s HOT NEW Release is the powerful memoir, A Moment of Belief: A True Story by Farooq Shah.

In this moving and powerful memoir, Farooq Shah recounts his painful journey of healing and discovery that illustrates the positive and transformative power of self-love and love of others.

“Wow! This small, uplifting book can make a huge impact upon others who have suffered or who are suffering!” -Reviewer

“…isn’t just a memoir; it’s a life improvement book. It’s an absolute must read for anyone who needs a healthy dose of inspiration in their life. … It’s an excellent guide for putting things into perspective and may well be a potential life changer for all those who read it.” -Amazon Reader



Bonus Books:

FREE! Description:The Sound of Your Silence Holds All of the Answers


By Heather