Today’s Action-Packed Murder Mystery and Sizzling Sci-Fi Romance Set. Enter to Win our Brand New 8″ Kindle Fire Giveaway and our January Gift Basket.
Today’s feature is the action-packed Murder Mystery, SONORA PASS by Jaime Olmos and illustrated by Kevin Nichols.
Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll – Band singer is found dead following wild reunion. Private Eye Jonah follows trail leading to troubled past in revolutionary Central America. Jazz, Violence & Intrigue. Not a Graphic Novel for Light Weights Dude
“Wholly original and an utterly entertaining read, Sonora Pass is, by any definition, an accomplished debut and a must read for fans of the genre. It is recommended without reservation.” READER’S FAVORITE
“Jamie Olmos’s graphic /comic book story Sonora Pass is a compelling murder mystery with a lot of action and a dash of humor…” -READERS’ FAVORITE

“This is a great Anthology packed with all sorts of alien goodness. Something for everyone. Some stories are action packed, some are seriously kinky and some are even kind of sweet.” -Amazon Reader
Bonus Book: