Grab Today’s Romantic Comedy, Steamy Romantic Suspense, Hollywood Love Story, and Featured FREEBIE.


Today’s featured book is the Romantic Comedy, Stop that Wedding by Melissa Klein. 
With old family secrets exposed, Diana and Andrew must decide if their love is strong enough to withstand divided loyalties, crazy relatives, and unexpected truths.
“This is an amazing story once I started it I couldn’t put it down. The chemistry between Andrew and Diana is off the charts hot, This is a well written and very entertaining story. I would recommend this book to any book lover.” -READER

“This was a first time read for Ms. Klein and I truly am impressed with this quick and beautifully witty book. I could not put my kindle down and was hooked from the very beginning.” -Amazon Reader


Today’s HOT NEW Release is steamy Romantic Suspense, Little Girl Lost by Mia Frances.

He’s a no-nonsense Wyoming sheriff. She’s a foul-mouthed librarian from back east. They can’t stand each other. She says he’s an arrogant bully. He thinks she’s an ill-tempered hellion. Together they’re investigating a case of kidnapping, trafficking, and murder. Is this anyway to start a romance?

“This story pulls you in from the beginning and keeps it moving…It had everything I look for in a book, mystery, action, suspense, hot love story, and very relatable and likeable characters. I highly recommend this book and will be looking forward to more from this author.” -READER

“This book was truly a great read. It kept you on the edge of your sit. The chemistry and romance was fantastic. I was really able to connect with the characters.” Amazon Reader




Today’s Featured Romance is the Hollywood Love Story, Two Lovers by Beverly Adam.

Their love was deep, fated, enduring. She called him “the greatest love” of her life.

“Beverly Adam’s fascinating account of Russ and Carole’s star-crossed love story is a must read.” -Damon Leigh, President of The Russ Columbo Society

“Their story is beautifully and accurately told. I love seeing life through Carole’s eyes, knowing the depths of her heart. She was such a fiery brilliant woman, so full of life, a true shining star. The love Russ and Carole shared was epic, rare, and wonderful to read. “ Publisher Leslie D. Stuart (Destiny Rose Editorials and Destiny Whispers Publishing).       





Download today’s Featured FREEBIE, Trust Fund: A Survival of the Richest Prologue by Skye Warren.

From a New York Times bestselling author comes a new world where the battle for love and money brings down the greatest men.

“Her stories effortlessly tell a tale of betrayal, sacrifice and love that is always magnificent, and based on the start we see in Trust Fund, I have no doubt that Survival of the Richest will be a fantastic story that can’t be put down.” -READER

“I absolutely love Skye Warren’s writing. I highly recommend this book!” -Amazon Reader




Bonus Books

Rachael Connor has great looks, money and a home of her own, but childhood abuse has left her fearful of men…
ONLY $.99 Now! Split is a modern, passionate, erotic novel.
“I highly recommend this for fans of British comedy or the type of cringe comedy found in American TV shows like Curb your Enthusiasm.” – THE HUNGRY MONSTER BOOK REVIEW
In ancient Rome, a woman flees for her life.



By Heather