Today’s Featured Book is the Historical Suspense Romance, My Splendid Concubine by Lloyd Lofthouse. Only $0.99!
His love of a concubine almost destroys him. Readers interested in unconventional romances will find plenty to enjoy.
“Readers interested in unconventional romances in an out of the ordinary setting will find plenty to enjoy.” –Nanette Donohue Historical Novel Society
“Highly recommended!” –Midwest Book Review
“The story is not for either the faint hearted, or prude but it is without doubt – a “page turner” par excellence. Highly recommended, especially if you enjoy exciting adventure tempered with a compelling love story. In my opinion, it rates as a very good “cant put down read!” -Amazon Review

Today’s Featured New Release is the Dystopian Thriller, OMNISCIENCE by Janine Frances. Only $0.99!
The world is at war and an authoritarian government has taken control. A terrorist group is attempting to destroy civilization so humanity can start again. Shareen Miller and her family flee to the Australian outback in search of refuge, but find themselves caught in a web of lies.
“Omniscience is a thrilling novel that asks the question of what is really best for humanity. The suspense created will have readers on edge following the family as they fight for survival. This book is excellent for all readers of science fiction and dystopian genres.” -Literary Titan
“Omniscience by Janine Frances has a clever plot set in a future dystopian world. As I turned the pages, I could feel the searing heat of the sun in the Australian outback, and experience the sweat trickling down my back. The author keeps us in suspense as we are unsure who to trust… I enjoyed this book as it kept me guessing.” -Readers’ Favorite
A world on the brink, a family in peril, an impossible escape.

Today’s Featured Romance is the Romantic Suspense, One Beautiful Thing by Rachelle Gibson. Now $1.99!
All Xander Percival ever wanted was to race his hog across desert canyons and fade into the sunset. Never did he want to be Vice President of the notorious Lords of Destruction, nor did he want to be the one to settle endless scores between ganglang thugs and cartels. More than anything he never wanted to get entangled with Miss October, the five-foot four-inch spitfire that reeked of calamity.
“I loved this read and to say I’m shocked is an understatement! I need answers and I need them now. I’m diving into Book 2!” -READER
“This is very well written and didn’t make me hate either lead characters. I actually liked them very much, as well as the side characters. Or at least how the all came off. All of it felt real to me… Overall all it was a good read. Looking forward to reading more!” -Amazon Review

Today’s Freebie is the Motivational Fiction, The Seven Magnificent Mind-Sets of Success by Russ Hamblin. Now FREE!
The adventure story of a geologist, Roger Hunt, who bemoans and lives with the loss of his family, which resulted from a fatefully lengthy battle with his devils, and of a chance reunion with an old acquaintance and alter ego that eventually leads him back to the Alaskan wilderness, ten years ago during his excursion, is told in “The Seven Magnificent Mind-Sets of Success: Adventures With The Magnificent Mind-Man.” by Russ Hamblin.
One of several things that makes this book valuable and a must-read is Mr. Hamblin’s superb and comprehensive storytelling. It offers a fresh perspective on motivating literature.
The message is more than a fictional story about motivational and success principles. Rather, the message is all about second chances in life; that it is never too late to make changes.