Today’s Featured Book is the Sci-Fi Dystopian Romantic Suspense, ASYLUM by Susy Smith. Now ONLY $.99!
In a future where the U.S. is controlled by a military-style government, young Lacy Monroe struggles against evil men and forces of nature to keep her family’s Oklahoma farm intact. In the process, she provides asylum for a diverse crew of displaced souls who might or might not be trustworthy.
“…Early on, the tale jumps straight into the suspense with the chilling account of Lacy’s rape. From there, the intriguing story continues with romantic twists as well as thrilling action, making it difficult to put down.” -Editorial Review
“WOW! For a debut novel, Asylum by Susy Smith has knocked it out of the ball park. I am impressed and will be marking her as a must read author.” -Reviewer
“Dystopian novels aren’t usually my thing, but I loved her characters Lacy and Jace and how they wouldn’t give up and keep overcoming the obstacles thrown in their path. Can’t wait for the sequel!” -READER

Today’s New Release is the Christian Speculative Fiction, Bright Expanse by Daniel Zeigler. ONLY $.99!
Are we alone in the universe? Everyone wants to know—until the truth is staring them in the face. SETI researcher Nat Kurt discovers that answers to Big Questions come at a high price in this Christian science fiction thriller reminiscent of Lewis’ space trilogy.
“I enjoyed the story line and the technical details. The plot grabbed my attention and did not let go; while the sub-plots enhanced the story. The only thing disappointing was that it had to end. Looking forward to book three.” -READER
“The author describes and portrays each character in a believable manner. The relationships between the characters and storyline are well established and something wanted in my own life…” -Reviewer
“I had a hard time putting it down…” -Amazon Reader

Today’s Featured Romance is the Sci-Fi Romance, BLOODY SUNRISE by Gwendolyn Harper. Now $1.99!
Caitlin Meadows thought the worst part of her business trip would be the airport hassles and her overly chatty seatmate. However, when her plane is shot down, and she finds herself in the middle of a zombie virus outbreak, she realizes she was never prepared for terrors like these. Lost, alone, and afraid, Caitlin can only focus on one thing– survival. That is until she crosses paths with Jack Booker, an ex-Marine with a shadowy past and a penchant for pushing Caitlin’s buttons.
“This is awesome! I really like the plot and the rhythm of the story. The romance is sweet and sexy! Great book.” -READER
“If you love The Walking Dead, then you’ll definitely enjoy this book. It has just the right amount of horror and romance, and of course a touch of those steamy scenes that we all look forward to. 😉” -Amazon Review

Today’s Freebie is the Business Leadership Guide, The Lonely Seat by Keith Trubshaw. Now FREE!
Success is a great teacher, but failure is a better one. This is a story of an ordinary man’s journey, a rollercoaster ride between success and failure, between elation and misery. Most of all, it’s a book about resilience, not the kind theorized by academics but real, down-and-dirty survival after having been kicked when we are down.
Too many businesses start on a dream and end in a nightmare. The parables woven within these pages serve as a road map which shows the rocks and pitfalls that await the unwary. It shows that there is almost nothing that cannot be overcome. It helps turn those rocks into stepping stones.
“Keith has managed to organize his successes and failures into a lighthearted and inspiring tale. It’s not often that you read a book by a businessman who admits to his faults and owns them so fully. Nor do you often read a book where a businessman prioritizes kindness and empathy so heavily in his practice.” -READER