Sunday’s FREE YA Medieval Romance and Thrilling Sci-Fi Adventure and last day for this week’s $50 Giveaway!
Read the book one reader calls, “riveting and breathtaking…” Our featured is the YA Medieval Romance The Key by Jennifer Anne Davis. *Download FREE Now!
Within these pages lie kingdoms with castles and princes who fall in love with fair maidens, but make no mistake − this is no fairytale. With 257 five star reviews on Amazon, the True Reign Series is one you should not miss!
*Finalist in the 2014 USA Best Book Awards: Young Adult Category*
*Winner Curvy Book Award 2013 Best Overall Small Press*
“From beginning to the heart-wrenching ending moment, the reader will be enraptured by the depth of the characters Ms. Davis has crafted. Like fine jewels, each character shines brightly or glows menacingly, precisely as they should be imagined…” –InD’tale Magazine
Take a look at today’s thrilling Sci-Fi Adventure, our HOT NEW Release, Son of Cerberus by Jacob Ryan Hammes. *The Unusual Operations Division Book 2
Sequel to the Jewel of Babylon, the second installment of the Unusual Operations Division takes the reader on an adventure across the globe. Facing insurmountable odds, the team must battle one vicious enemy after the next as they fight to save humanity.
Follow the team in this exciting sequel to the Jewel of Babylon as they help save humanity from the unknown.
Must-Read Books:
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