Download Today’s Clever Steampunk Fantasy and Action-Packed Sci-Fi. Also, Check Out New Weekly Giveaways and Our Lucky Reader Giveaway!
Today’s feature is the Clever Steampunk Fantasy, Gears of Fate by Wilbert Stanton. ONLY $.99 Right Now!
Centuries have passed since the Fey conquered Earth, forcing mankind and gods alike to flee to the sky city Olympus. Forgotten gods walk amongst man, lost and powerless. Little do they suspect a second Fey war looms, and an unlikely duo will set in motion the gears of fate.
“I loved Zak, Seneca, Abby, and the Highwind Pirates. They were all so colorful and exciting and each had their own quirks and eccentricities. This book is the first in a series, but don’t worry Gears of Fate won’t leave you hanging. I really can’t wait to see what Stanton has planned for the rest of the series.” -READER
“His characters were colorful and relatable. The action was fun and so suspenseful I just couldn’t put it down. I’m definitely looking forward to other books in the series.” -Amazon Reader

“The story is brilliant, and the author’s writing style is perfectly suited for this smart and funny romance. I found this book impossible to put down until I had reached the last page. Lost on the Road to Love is most highly recommended.” – Jack Magnus for Readers’ Favorite
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