The Collectibles Kindle fire Giveaway.
Time for another chance to win BIG in The Collectibles Kindle Fire Giveaway. Thanks to award winning and bestselling author, James J. Kaufman, we are giving away a Kindle Fire 6″ HD to celebrate the release of the 3rd book in The Collectibles Trilogy–The Conciliators. The Conciliators is already getting rave reviews, but no need to trust early reviews, just look at books 1 and 2–The Collectibles and The Concealers. This is a well reviewed and award winning series has come to a conclusion, but you don’t have to miss out. But entering The Collectibles Kindle Fire Giveaway, not only do you get a chance at winning a Kindle Fire, you will get hooked on this three-book series from page one. So grab a copy of The Collectibles, The Concealers, or try the new release and third book in the trilogy, The Conciliators, a stand alone novel.
Enter The Collectibles Kindle Fire Giveaway below for a chance at winning a brand new Kindle Fire 6″ HD!
WHAT: The Collectibles Kindle Fire Giveaway
WHEN: Oct. 19-25
HOW: Enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway below. Get BONUS points when you purchase any or all of the books in The Collectibles Trilogy.
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