Today’s Featured book is the Thriller, McNally’s Luck by New York Times Bestselling Author Lawrence Sanders. Now $1.99!

Archy McNally enjoys sipping late-night port with his girlfriend of the moment and tooling across southern Florida in his red Miata sports car. In his off hours, he works as a part-time investigator for his father’s venerable law firm. His latest assignment? Solve a simple catnapping. But, as McNally knows, things are rarely as simple as they seem.

Love Mc Nally, the main character and his dad. The story moved quickly and it wrapped up nicely with twists until the very end.” -READER

“A most enjoyable story! The characters were believable and full of life. The story line was engrossing and entertaining. Looking forward to further adventures of Archy McNally!” -Amazon Review

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Today’s New Release is the Short Stories, On Indian Time by Jane Fairley. Now $1.99!

Enjoy the slow magic of these stories and handful of poems that all run on Indian Time.

Join Rose and Ian on their last trip of the summer and experience the totally unexpected appearance of a large native Thunderbird. Together with these young people enter a world of Magical Realism where the old myths are still alive and nothing is as it seems.

Go with Sara and Jim to the summer Pow-Wow at the Reserve where Jim is introducing Sara to the local culture. Watch the intertribal dancers which Jim and Sara join and listen to the chants which are sung to the ancient beat of the drum.

How would you like to stumble across a rainbow-winged Thunderbird or an old native Medicine Woman?

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Today’s Featured Romance is the Paranormal Romance, Forever in Her Eyes by Karen Rose Smith. Now $2.99!

Melanie Carlotti lost everything, including her eyesight. But with the help of a psychic, she steps into the donor’s husband’s life and finds that her dreams can lead to true love…if Zack can accept her secret.

“A highly absorbing tale that moves right along with one heartwarming and suspenseful scene after another.” -Romance Reviews Today

“I highly recommend this emotionally charged, brilliantly crafted book. Forever In Her Eyes provides the perfect blend of medical mystery, the impact of extreme loss and sorrow, the road to love and forgiveness and sweet romance. It will warm your heart and have happy tears flowing. I love the Search for Love books and this one is no exception.” -Amazon Review

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Today’s Freebie is the Dark Fantasy, Fury of a Phoenix by New York Times Bestselling Author Shannon Mayer. FREE!

In the middle of Wyoming—away from the abnormals of the world—I thought I was free and clear. I started a new life. Found a love I’d never known in a husband, and a son who was my everything. And in a blinding instant, that life was stolen from me. The rage of a grieving mother is an ugly beast. More so when she has the skills and killer instinct to back up the wrath and the knowledge that an accident was anything but.

“…this book blew my mind away! The sheer force of emotion and character that that you can almost palpably feel coming off this book is a force to be reckoned with.” -READER

This book kept me on the edge of my seat. There were several times my heart started pounding. I am looking forward to the rest of the books in this series. This just might be Shannon Mayer’s best series so far … and that’s saying something.” -Amazon Review

Bonus Book!

FREE! Unable to come to terms with the shocking murder of his lover, Rafael Maqui abandons his work as a filmmaker and leaves London for his homeland, El Salvador. Despite his unstable state of mind, he accepts an initiative, via the provisional government, to negotiate with the notorious MS-13 criminal gang a de-escalation in the violence that is crippling the country. When events turn sour, Rafael chances upon Senica, a peasant whose courage over adversity inspires him to put his life in order.

By Heather