How does a smart, easygoing serial monogamist tame a closet Bohemian? Romance lovers will delight in today’s HOT NEW Release, A Heart is a Home: Christmas in Texas by K.E. Saxon.

A Little About A Heart is a Home:

Adam wants to forget the past. Joy intends to forget who she is. Each knows the other is lying. But he’s returning to Houston. She can’t change his mind and even their passion won’t convince her to go with him. After all, Christmas is around the corner and everyone knows you spend Christmas at home.

About the Author:

K.E. Saxon is a third-generation Texan and has been a lover of romance fiction since her first (sneaked) read of her older sister’s copy of “The Flame and the Flower” by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss. She is a member of Romance Writers of America and Romance Divas. When she isn’t in her writer’s cave writing, you can find her puttering in her organic vegetable garden or in her kitchen trying out a new recipe. An animal (and bug) lover since before she could speak, she made pets of all kinds of critters when she was a kid growing up. Her mother even swears that she made a pet of a cockroach one time (but K.E. doesn’t believe her). She likes to write funny, sexy romances.

Make sure to pick up your copy of A Heart is Home: Christmas in Texas today.




By Heather

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