Today’s Featured Book is the Conspiracy Thriller, THE LOST by Simon Beckett. Only $1.99!

Det. Sgt. Jonah Colley of the Metropolitan firearms unit has been wracked with guilt for the past ten years, ever since his son went missing under his care. The tragedy broke up his marriage and left him estranged from his best friend, Det. Sgt. Gavin McKinney. But now Gavin calls him out of the blue. Desperate for help, he needs Jonah to meet him at Slaughter Quay.

One of those I had a hard time putting down. Lots of twists and turns, good guys and bad, and bad guys who do good.” -READER

This book drew me in from the very beginning, and led me on a journey littered with peril, jeopardy, double crossing and some very heightened emotions. Talk about being at the edge of my seat...Nice job, Mr Beckett. Roll on book two.” -Amazon Review

“Another great entry in the Serving Magic series…It worked well overall and I was glad I was able to continue this series…I can’t wait to read more from Toni Cabell.” -NetGalley Review

Today’s New Release is the Mystery Fiction, SHATTERED by Georgianne Landy-Kordis. Now $2.99!

Follow Detective Tap as she solves strange cases, raises her children and finds new love interests.

This is a very entertaining read. I love mysteries, especially those that keep me guessing. The ending was quite a surprise. I feel like I know the characters and I experienced the heartache right along with them. They could be my neighbors.-READER

Nifty little story that keeps you turning the page. Excitement, sadness, fear and suspense all intermingled to keep one’s attention until the very end. A dab of romance never fails to spice up a storyline and that’s what Ms. Landy-Kordis has accomplished. If you want a quick getaway and fulfilling read, just order this short story and at the end you will find yourself wanting a bit more.” -Amazon Review

Today’s Featured Romance is the Regency Romance, In the Arms of the Duke by Violet Hamers. Only $0.99!

As the Earl of Dayton’s by-blow, Judith has slim chances of finding a husband before she is banished to the countryside to work. Until… she finds herself at the wrong place at the wrong time.

“I don’t know where to begin. I loved everything about this book. The chemistry between Nate and Jude was sizzling. I’m surprised my iPad didn’t catch fire.” -Amazon Review

This is sort of a Cinderella story in that the heroine has an evil stepmother and step sisters. The hero isn’t exactly Prince Charming as he has closed himself off to love due to a cruel stepfather. There are a lot of twists and turns, deals, and secrets before we get to a HEA. The characters interactions make this story flow well.” -READER

When Judith happens upon the Dowager’s dalliance with a much younger man, the woman is desperate to buy her silence. And while she asks for nothing in return, the promise of a husband is enough to entice her…

Today’s Freebie is the Science Fiction, Eve Not Adam by Andrew Man. Now $2.99!

Time is quickly running out as governments across the world learn that their ideas of a clean, healthy planet have only one thing in common, they are all dead wrong.

“…this book offers a pleasing combination of SciFi, Egyptian symbolism, Brexit and Covid in a complex story of inter-dimensional and time travel. There are plenty of characters to love or hate – sometimes both at the same time.” -Amazon Review

James Pollack, retired Swiss Banker, is at the reveal of the scientific breakthrough, following the return of three survivors from a mission to an exo-planet. Armed with this new information, key personnel leave on an IFOR military carrier bound for Sarajevo airport, which sets off a controversial expedition of fear and survival. Earth has just three months before the infection hits it and James will be the only hope to immobilise a pandemic of global proportions. 

When there’s danger on an exo-planet, will you be the one to stay alive? 

Bonus Books!

FREE! Read Hospitality DNA to learn how elite operators think and act in the bar and restaurant business! Hospitality DNA is a term widely used but not truly understood. It’s generally used to describe someone who seems to be a “natural” in our business as if they were born to it. But were they?
FREE! Katrina wanted a guide on her path and a framework to finding vibrant health. It didn’t exist! Nowhere to be found was that one place to see the whole picture in a clear, concise way. But now there is! Are you ready for your roadmap for health?
A transformational self-help memoir that shares Jennifer Williams’ struggles and triumphs — from childhood abuse leading to the foster care system, sexual trauma, paralyzing anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation, along with divorce and co-parenting. Her memoir offers hope and inspiration for anyone who has felt overwhelmed by life and their struggles with mental health. With raw honesty and vulnerability, the author provides an intimate look at her journey from victim to victorious.

By Heather