Valentine’s Day Giveaway

Valentine17-BoxValentine’s Day Giveaway

If you love romance and winning, you’re going to love our Valentine’s Day Giveaway! We’ve put together the perfect love story… You, some amazing books, and a new Gen 8 Kindle eReader. It’s a perfect relationship. So if you are one of six (6) lucky readers, you’ll win a Kindle and meet your new favorite authors. Our Valentine’s day Giveaway is sponsored by The Kindle Book Review, Digital Book Today, and, so the total prize package is valued at $600! That’s a lot of winning. That’s a lot of Kindles. And that’s a lot of love!!!! So enter our Valentine’s day Giveaway in the Rafflecopter form below, share, follow our author sponsors, and click on those books. You’re going to find some great reads by bestselling and award winning authors, incredible book deals, and a chance at winning a Gen 8 Kindle eReader. Who knows, you could be one of six (1/6) of our next winners!

Love reading? Enter everyday ’til Feb. 15th! See instructions below.

WHAT: Valentine’s Day Giveaway WHEN: Feb 1-15, 2017

PRIZES: Six (6) Kindle eReaders (Total value is $100 x 6 winners = $600)

HOW: Scroll through our sponsors’ book covers below to find your next favorite author. Then enter the “Rafflecopter” form below. There is no purchase necessary to enter or win, but by supporting our authors we can continue to offer these amazing giveaways. If by chance you choose to buy any of our sponsors’ books, a portion of the cost will help support Teen Blast youth centers.

Our Giveaways are not possible w/o our sponsors. Your support is appreciated.

 Valentine's Day Giveaway51upQd4xmIL._AC_US160_51QGLyMf7fL._AC_US160_51mWYwyk3HL._AC_US160_51nCUfdwX+L._AC_US160_51++2Vg4W2L._AC_US160_51KJHFocBgL._AC_US160_Valentine's Day Giveaway51CW5xUNJqL._AC_US160_51-+C0ub-TL._AC_US160_51iRz611DQL._AC_US160_51rU8jqitqL._AC_US160_41OuPrrzo+L._AC_US160_51LMpMT-6dL._AC_US160_51nhJEMsdOL._AC_US160_51pXwGBQCpL._AC_US160_51Ad+bkmBhL._AC_US160_51ThES0azGL._AC_US160_51BnUB7DfIL._AC_US160_516zoX7kJAL._AC_US160_51HSv3BrXIL._AC_US160_51tGA4Re6rL._AC_US160_41+-xJDnmYL._AC_US160_51BkO0593vL._AC_US160_413Ir4LBUEL._AC_US160_5140Usvr+sL._AC_US160_516P5CGtD6L._AC_US160_41CAzZiqh1L._AC_US160_5159bAX6bkL._AC_US160_51qlJia7SpL._AC_US160_51NrLgfBPDL._AC_US160_51OO0beTJ2L._AC_US160_51RCF9DzQ9L._AC_US160_51KRAw15UhL._AC_US160_Valentine's Day Giveaway51T+RQ18UBL._AC_US160_Valentine's Day Giveaway51fmEkMd6gL._AC_US160_517wsASUQxL._AC_US160_













































306 thoughts on “Valentine’s Day Giveaway”
  1. Bought Katy and the Wolves at the Door by Mary Criswell Carpenter. Already have several of the other books!

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