Today’s Featured book is the Women’s Fiction, The Ups and Downs of Miss Margaret Landings by Patti R. Albaugh.

The misadventures of an elevator operator in a small town department store.

I had fun getting to know Miss Margaret and I look forward, with anticipation, to her continuing journey and the “ups and downs” along her chosen path. I wonder, will she make the right choices?” -Amazon Review

Wonderfully entertaining. Albaugh, in her vivid voice takes us back to 1955 where the small space of a department store elevator gives its operator countless opportunities to overhear customers’ true dispositions: from peevish grumbling to heart wrenching, to the most private of arguments. Albaugh artfully captures the most touching of human traits and weaves them into a page turning story.” -READER

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Today’s New Release is the Fantasy Romance, Sugar and Snow by Irene Davis. Now $2.99!

No one believes Marie’s story about the Nutcracker Prince and the Mouse King. She’s even started to doubt it herself. But when Marie’s niece Clara disappears, can she trust the Mouse King to help get Clara back—or is he still set on revenge?

“I was hooked right away on this nutcracker/mouse king story and it kept me enchanted through the whole thing. This is a fun and quick read. I love the twist on the classic tale and the German setting (lots of food and holiday traditions, of course). Definitely recommend.” -Amazon Review

The Nutcracker is back—but so is the Mouse King, and now she must choose between them…

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Today’s Featured Romance is the Romance, WOLF by Penelope Black. Only $0.99!

Fresh off graduation, I have my entire summer planned out: European vacation with my cousins, college courses, and picking up shifts at work. But then my mom calls and drops the bomb: she’s getting married to the rumored head of the Irish mafia. Even though I’ve been looking out for her for most of my life, we haven’t lived together in ten years. So when she invites me to stay with her for the summer, I don’t hesitate.

The twists will keep your heart racing, the dangerous turns will give you whiplash and the protective sexy alphas will have you falling in love. I can’t wait to see how this trilogy continues. I would give everything to be Wolf’s prey any day.” -READER

“I practically inhaled this book… It is an excellent read filled with characters who are believable and incredibly well developed. I cannot recommend this debut novel by author Penelope Black enough. The only disappointment in the story comes at the end when you realize you’ve finished reading and you are left aching for more.” -Amazon Review

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Today’s Freebie is the Contemporary Fiction, Hello, My Love by Evy Journey. FREE!

An engaging clash of wits morphs into the raw emotions of deep love for Greg and Elise. They spend a night together. But Greg is engaged to another and his jilted fiancée strikes back. Will Greg and Elise get a second chance?

“How can you not love a novel with an underlying theme that intelligence and strength are traits men can and do admire in a woman?” -Olio By Marilyn

“Unlike anything I expected…three-dimensional characters….struggles are very real….I enjoyed the writing style. It was new, different and refreshing to have a literary spin on the romance genre.” -Bookaholic Ramblings

“So well crafted in the style of Nicholas Sparks. Intense, with tight writing in a fast-paced and engaging romance.” -Readers Favorite

By Heather